Sep 08, 2019
Pilot Training in Palermo

“Piloting training sessions with 65 teachers across the schools in Palermo were already implemented!

Teachers who participate in the trainings had opportunity to reflect on their attitudes and preconceptions regarding gender stereotypes and roles. They had opportunity to increase their knowledge about gender-based violence and learn new strategies to prevent it before it happens. Moreover, teachers had a chance to try different activities from 4 well connected and complementary modules: Gender-sensitive pedagogy, Resilience, Life Skills and Character education modules. Those activities they can implement with their students to:

•                    Get children to think about positive concepts associated with gender equality and to reflect on gender equality.

•                    Create awareness of common gender roles and expectations.

•                    Develop an understanding of the negative effects of gender stereotyping and related behaviours.

•                    Get children to critically reflect on their attitudes towards gender and gender-based violence.

•                    And much more..


Gender-sensitive pedagogy is not meant to discriminate against boys, nor is it meant to focus on one gender. It involves using different learning methods while giving equal opportunities for both girls and boys to participate.”